Downtown Jackson’s micro-retail
development and community space.
theLOCAL was created in 2017 as an incubator for entrepreneurs to get a taste of operating their own retail space. By providing micro-retail units with low-overhead (low rent and short lease terms) in the heart of Downtown Jackson, theLOCAL has been a definitive catalyst for growth in Downtown.
theLOCAL Tenants:
202 W Lafayette Street, Jackson, TN 38301
Burn Your Truth
Friday 2-5
Saturday 9-3:30
Sunday: Appointment Only
Sprinkle Me Sugar
Wednesday-Friday 10-5:30
Saturday 9-4
Grinning Soul Crochet
Thursday-Friday 10-4
Saturday 9-3

Doing Business at theLOCAL
Want to give micro-retail a try?
We’re using the term entrepreneurs but theLOCAL is for artisans, bakers, makers, chefs and more. It’s an incubator or test opportunity for those of you that are thinking you might like to have a larger retail space in Downtown Jackson in the future. theLOCAL is for business owners - not a space for pyramid sellers or network marketers.
Rent starts at $600/month and includes utilities and internet. Businesses that would be offering food service and would use more utilities could be subject to a potential increase that would be determined at the start of the lease agreement.
Keep in mind the goal of theLOCAL is to test your concept– and then ideally move your business into a longer term space within Downtown. The lease is for one year with an additional one year option.
There are three units: one with a water hookup is 220sq. ft and the other two are 280sq. ft
Applications Open: January 2
Application Deadline: January 31
Interviews Conducted: February 3–7
Anticipated Lease Start: April 1