Meet the Director: Beth Ann Simpson

Jackson Downtown Development Corporation To Be Revitalized: Improving The Downtown We All Know And Love

Written By Maddie Steele

JACKSON,TN Aug. 11th, 2022- After a few months of low activity, Jackson Downtown Development Corporation is rebooting with infrastructure support from theCO. Beth Ann Simpson will serve as the new Downtown Director, with hopes to revitalize the organization, focusing on the elements of economic development which will lead to the creation of a unique and vibrant community, ultimately encouraging people to live, work and visit Downtown Jackson. 

Because the soul of Jackson lives in the Downtown District, the new and revitalized JDDC, led by Beth Ann Simpson, will first focus on reinstating our status as a Main Street Community through the State of Tennessee. Gaining this Main Street Community status back will provide access to valuable resources to create more projects like theLOCAL, as well as a framework that enables communities to revitalize their downtowns by leveraging local assets ranging from historic, cultural and architectural resources, to local business enterprises and community pride by focusing on the the areas of Economic Vitality, Promotion and Organization. 

Beth Ann Simpson has been in Jackson since 2005, when she came to Jackson to attend The University of Memphis at Lambuth, and she has always loved the downtown and midtown areas, but there was never anything to do in her college days. She has had the experience of watching this area grow to what it is today, and sees the immense potential it still has for growth in the years to come. She has a masters degree in leadership and policy, and feels that her 12 years of experience in higher education has given her a love for building relationships, connecting people with resources, advocating and problem solving.

“When I got involved with JDDC’s board I realized how important it was for the businesses downtown to have someone advocating for them and to be a voice for them and to help them get the resources they need,” said Simpson. 

In her first few months as the Downtown Director, Simpson wants to spend her time listening and learning from local business owners by going door to door, asking them what their greatest needs are. There has been a culture in the recent months of growth and improvement downtown, and the key is to use this momentum to relaunch and rebuild trust in the community. 

“I can’t imagine living or spending my time in any other place except for Downtown Jackson. It’s so unique and eclectic. There’s people from all backgrounds and I find that creates healthy communities,” said Simpson. “I want to see that continue and I want everyone, whether their families, college students, young professionals, to feel like they have a place and that downtown has something to offer them. The more diverse it is, the healthier it becomes.”

theCO is a pipeline to attract and retain our next generation of community leaders and has three areas of focus: Entrepreneur Support, STEM Education and Community Placemaking. 

For more details, contact Beth Ann Simpson at


theLOCAL’s New Tenants and Giving Small Businesses a Chance to Grow Their Ambitions